Five Ways to Support Employees with Premature or Sick Babies in the NICU

new mother breastfeeding while working on a laptop

The journey of welcoming a new baby should be filled with joy and excitement. However, for parents of premature or sick infants, this time can be overshadowed by stress and uncertainty. This is why our charity is dedicated to offering support and resources for families with NICU babies, helping to ease their journey. Employers in the UK play a crucial role in providing support to employees during these difficult times. In this blog post, we will explore ways you can help parents who are coping with the challenges of having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 


dad carrying sleeping newborn on shoulder

Be Flexible and Understanding 

Parents may need to suddenly stop work at short notice to care for their baby or attend appointments. Offering flexible work arrangements, such as working from home, reduced hours, or job sharing, can significantly alleviate the stress they experience. Be understanding of your employee’s situation and the challenges they may be facing. If their work is impacted by their situation, offer additional training or support if needed.  

Offer Emotional Support 

Having a baby in NICU can be an incredibly emotional experience for parents. As an employer, you can provide support by checking in with your employee regularly, offering access to counselling or employee assistance programs, and connecting them with relevant resources. Kind gestures, such as food delivery vouchers or care packages, can also go a long way in helping parents feel supported during this time.

Provide Financial Assistance 

Parents with a baby in NICU may face significant financial pressures. As an employer, consider offering additional paid parental leave, flexible working arrangements, or financial assistance for things like travel expenses or parking. Research available financial resources that your employee may be entitled to and help them access these if needed. 

Celebrate Their Return 

When your employee returns to work after their baby has left NICU, acknowledge the challenges they have faced and celebrate their return. Offer support as they transition back into work and respect their preferences regarding discussing their NICU experience. 

Support for Self-Employed Parents 

For self-employed parents facing the challenges of a premature or sick baby, Colourful Beginnings is here to help. Our charity provides resources, emotional support, and financial assistance information to ensure that no parent has to face this journey alone. 

mother carrying a newborn in a yellow sling and working on a laptop

Note: Upcoming Changes in the UK 

Soon, there will be a major shift in the UK regarding how employers must support families when their babies are in NICU. In the near future, parents will be able to receive up to 12 weeks of additional leave if their baby is in NICU within 28 days of being born and for a minimum of 7 days. This change is a significant step forward in acknowledging the unique challenges that parents of premature or sick babies face and providing them with the support they need. 

By embracing these practices and working alongside the Colourful Beginnings charity, employers can make a significant difference in the lives of families with premature or sick babies. Together, we can support these families through their challenging journey and create a brighter, more colourful future for all.